A day in Key Stage One
Start of day
Children have two learning sessions before break time.
A guided reading session is held where children work in groups - working with a teacher, TA or independently over the week. During this time, children will be taught reading strategies to support accuracy, flow or comprehension or will work in groups to practise a range of reading skills.
Children will have another lesson, sometimes English or mathematics, during the morning session but other lessons such as music, physical education may also be taught.
Break time
The children have a 15 minute break.
The children will have another lesson or two during this time.
The children go over with a member of their staff team to eat lunch in the dining centre
Children return to class for their afternoon lessons.
1:40pm or 2:45pm
Collective Worship
Collective worship takes place at either of these times depending on the day of the week. Children will gather with the whole school (or in class on Wednesdays) to pray, reflect, sing, listen to stories and respond to events.
End of day
Parents arrive to collect their children from the classroom door at the end of the day. Children attending St Paul's Play Project are collected by a member of SPPP.
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