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It is our intention that the geography curriculum at St Paul’s CE Primary engages children with the world around them, provoking curiosity and thoughtfulness about their roles as global citizens. We aim to inspire children to be the best future stewards for Earth, building an understanding of natural and human aspects of our planet, and the communities within it. Through a progressive curriculum that grows children’s knowledge on a personal, local, national and global scale, children will gain an in-depth understanding of the world’s interconnectivity, environments and diversity. Through this, it will deepen children’s understanding of the many contemporary challenges our planet is faced with such as climate change, food security and energy choices.  Investigative skills will be developed through field work and studies designed to give children real and relevant experiences. Following the national curriculum requirements, geography at our school also incorporates opportunities for children to apply, strengthen and deepen their competence in other curriculum areas, including English, mathematics, and science. 

As a subject, geography is taught as part of the school’s curriculum block cycle. Each block of lessons is guided by the  Kapow geography curriculum but all are adapted to suit the needs and to reflect the true diversity of our school and our world, whilst also ensuring the National Curriculum is followed. Key skills and knowledge for geography have been mapped across the school to ensure clear progression through the year groups. Children’s knowledge is built upon year group to year group, phase by phase. Beginning with personal, local and national geography in Key Stage 1, children progress to studying regional and global geography in Key Stage 2. In each phase, there is a focus on learning the relevant knowledge in the first year; this knowledge is then deepened, with a more analytical approach applied in the second year. Throughout all years, children have the opportunity to revisit and deepen their understanding of topics covered, for example a comparative case study of Australia in Key Stage 1 is followed by learning about climates in Lower Key Stage 2, which leads to a study of how indigenous peoples have adapted to Australia’s harsh climates in Upper Key Stage 2. This allows students to consolidate, build upon and deepen their learning and critical thinking skills. Our curriculum and children’s knowledge is underpinned by fieldwork. Fieldwork is a vital skill for our children to learn in order to become true geographers. Opportunities to visit and learn in the local area, practise digital mapping and map reading skills allow children to experience concepts firsthand while developing observational, investigative and evaluative skills.

Children will clearly enjoy their geography learning and will feel confident in sharing what they have learnt. The carefully planned curriculum will have developed their geographical knowledge and skills, enabling them to explore, navigate and understand the world around them and their place in it, as well as equipping them to continue their study of geography in Key Stage 3 and beyond. As geographers, they will be inspired and equipped to play their part in promoting diversity, understanding of global cultures, and securing the future of our planet. 


Opportunities to explore the outdoors, our local area and places further afield are built into our geography curriculum.

Long term plans, showing the progression of skills and knowledge and the content taught in Geography can be found below: