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Collective Worship

We aim that the collective worship at St Paul’s reflects the Christian foundation of the school, is invitational and


  • teaches us that we can be inspired to be ‘lights’, inspired by Jesus’ declaration: ‘I am the light of the world’ John 8:12
  • enables and equips us to be ‘givers of light’ to others, living our values and vision in everyday life
  • gives opportunities for us to gather together as a school family (“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” Matthew 18:20)
  • provides an occasion to praise and glorify God
  • cultivates respect of others, as individuals, made in the image of God
  • develops an appreciation of every individual’s worth and value to God and their community
  • promotes the 5 Christian values of the school – Thankfulness, Koinonia, Compassion, Justice & Forgiveness
  • fosters feelings of awe and wonder
  • enriches the spiritual awareness of each individual
  • equips children with an appropriate ‘worship and prayer vocabulary’
  • enables children to become familiar with Anglican traditions, including those reflected at our partner church, St Paul’s Hammersmith
  • provides opportunities to observe and celebrate major and some minor Christian festivals and periods
  • gives opportunities for children to meet people from the local church community
  • offers opportunities to bring prayer to God and Jesus, for a variety of reason and for a range of people (including praising, asking, thanking and saying sorry - PATS)
  • celebrates each individual’s God-given talents, gifts and achievements

Prayer Life and Prayers

The prayer life of the school is an important aspect of its vision and values and is given time in the school day. A special prayer focus is found in each classroom with books, bibles, a cross, lantern and plants as well as an interactive prayer focus. Children can add their own prayers and thoughts which are always welcomed and encouraged.


Prayers should be said at the beginning and end of day, as well at lunch. This is in addition to the prayers said in daily collective worship. Prayer is invitational and children re encouraged to choose prayer, reflection or pray in a way which is famiiar to them at home.