Our curriculum is based on the National curriculum and aims to ignite curiosity, develop skills and provide knowledge bases for our children. Our curriculum develops the acquisition of knowledge to secure new and embedded learning which in this school is defined as ‘a change to long term memory’ where new information is learnt and can be recalled at a later point and used in a range of scenarios. This is underpinned by research in this field, including Roediger, McDaniel, and McDermott, with regular practice helping to secure long term learning and recall.
If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach, please contact the Executive Headteacher, Tonnie Read, or Head of School, Siobhan Johnston.
Please click on a curriculum newsletter for your child's year group for the autumn term. A curriculum newsletters explain the topics that the children in each year groups across the school will be covering in each subject this term. If you have any questions about anything on the newsletter, please speak to your child's class teacher or your child's phase leader.
Our curriculum consists of CORE and FOUNDATION subjects. some of our subjects (Geography, History and DT) are taught in reoccuring blocks to aid frequent recall and to strengthen and build on concepts over time. Other subjects are taught weekly. To find out more, click on the subjects below:
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