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It is our intention that the Spanish curriculum at St Paul's CE Primary school celebrates the learning of language to inspire children to travel, develop an interest in other countries and communities and have an understanding of Spanish culture. 

Spanish lessons are designed to allow children to develop their confidence with vocabulary and pronunciation. 

It is our belief that learning a language equips children with key skills such as communication, confidence, compassion and perseverance. As many of our children already speak more than one language, Spanish lessons will inspire them to love language and also allow them to celebrate the skills they already have. 


At St Paul's, Spanish is taught in KS2 for forty minutes per week, by the class teachers. We follow the 'Language Angels' framework. Lessons are fully aligned with the national curriculum. We teach using a step-by-step approach with the three pillars of language learning (phonics, grammar and vocabulary) woven into the progression of lessons. In line with our whole-school policy of repetition for long-term memory retention, previous language is revisited and consolidated. New language is introduced gradually and becomes more complex as the pupils move from Early Language to Intermediate to Progressive units. As Language Angels is a new school initiative, the subject leader has adapted the teaching sequence (in conjunction with class teachers) to best support children's language development. Lessons are taught in a careful sequence to ensure vocabulary is retained and built upon.


Spanish is taught as a whole class which allows native speakers to share their knowledge and pronunciation with other children. Independent tasks are then completed, appropriately scaffolded. Children will complete listening, speaking, reading and writing tasks within each unit in order to ensure they have a complete understanding of the topic before moving on.


The aim of Spanish lessons is to enable children (by the end of KS2) to understand and communicate simple ideas in Spanish, both in speech and writing. Children will talk positively about their Spanish lessons and enjoy sharing their knowledge of the language, with confidence. They will be able to 'have a go' at new vocabulary; they will feel safe in the classroom to make mistakes and use their knowledge of Spanish phonics to sound out new vocabulary.

Through careful progression in lessons, children will build on their Spanish knowledge throughout their years in KS2. Pupil’s skills and knowledge, when assessed by the class teacher as part of an ongoing process, throughout lessons, will show that they build on previous knowledge and experiences. More formal assessment such as marking of learning, teacher assessment in lessons and end of unit/lesson assessments will show progress over the phase. Pupil voice groups and feedback from children and class teachers will inform how to develop the curriculum over time.


Long term plans, showing the progression of skills and knowledge and the content taught in Spanish can be found below:

Canción de los números de BASHO & FRIENDS

Learn how to count to 20 in Spanish with Basho and his buddy Brobot.