At St Paul's, Art is seen as an important subject which develops concentration, attention, fine motor skills. expression and choice. Art lessons are planned to develop drawing and painting skills, leading to a piece of work focused on a particular art discipline: sculpture, clay, print, textiles or mixed media.
Lessons include music to ensure a calm and tranquil learning environment and all units begin with a study of an artist, with children discussing a debating their work and techniques. Annotation of their own and other's work is developed over time and gives children an understanding of constructive critique and evaluation. Collaborative art is used as a tool to build communication, self confidence and the use of art vocabulary.
Through each unit, children practise mark-making, honing these skills and applying them appropriately to their sketches and drawings. Children learn to apply watercolour, powder paint and acrylic with ioncreased care and confidence, developing colour mixing skills and experimenting with shades and hues.
Through exploration of other media, children learn to plan, compose, assemble, join, embellish and enhance using clay, wire, wood, fabric and various forms of print. Photography and computer generated images are also utilised in the children's study of mixed-media.
Long term plans, showing the progression of skills and knowledge and the content taught in Art can be found below:
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