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St Paul's CE Primary School

Worlidge Street


London W6 9BP

If you need to contact the school for any reason, please contact us via email at enquiries@stpaulsce.lbhf.sch.uk on 0208 748 4951 or using the form below, in the first instance. Our administration team will respond to your enquiry or they will direct it to the most appropriate person.


For any Safeguarding concerns please contact the school on 0208 748 4951 and ask to speak to the DSL (Designated Safegaurding Lead, Mr Alex Beck) or another member of the DSL Team.


If you are a parent or member of an external agency who wish to contact the school's Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCO) please ring the school on 0208 748 4951 or email senco@stpaulsce.lbhf.sch.uk 

If you would like a paper copy of any information found on our school website, please speak to our school office who will provide this free of charge.
General Admin Enquiries: 


Miss Rose McGuinness and

Mrs Val Denin



020 8748 4951

School Business Manager:Ms Sandra Simpson


020 8748 4951

Executive Headteacher: Mrs Tonnie Read


020 8748 4951

Head of SchoolMrs Siobhan Johnston


020 8748 4951

Assistant Headteacher - Inclusion

Mr Alex Beck


020 8748 4951

Designated Safeguarding Lead:  Mr Alex Beck


020 8748 4951

Chair of Governors: 



Mrs Zoe Vickerman

c/o St Paul's CE Primary School

Worlidge Street

London W6 9BP


020 8748 4951







Contact Form

Fill this in to ask a question.

Telephone number 0208 748 4951