Our strong Christian character is central to all that we do; our Christian vision and values are embedded in all aspects of school life and we strive to share these with our families and the local community. As a diverse school family, we live, love and learn together: living in harmony and peace, loving each other as sister and brothers in Christ and learning to develop our God-given talents.
We aim to develop each individual’s understanding of spirituality. Alongside our vision, inspired by Jesus’ proclamation: ‘I am the light of the world’ John 8:12, and our values: Thankfulness, Koinonia, Compassion, Justice, Forgiveness, we teach skills of reflection, empathy and enquiry, whilst promoting attitudes of open-mindedness and sensitivity.
Our curriculum, behaviour, collective worship and Religious Education approaches reflect this, as does our environment. We strive to show our distinct Christian character in the welcome which we offer to all visitors to our school.
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