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Our Vision & Values

Our school is a small, welcoming primary which seeks to live our vision, inspired by Jesus' proclamation in John 8:12: Jesus said 'I am the light of the World'.


We believe that relationships are key to helping each and every child to flourish, succeed and share their own 'light' with others. This enables them to develop the confidence to grow their individual strengths, talents and gifts. Our strong Christian ethos which is driven by our vision statement and five Christian values - Compassion, Forgiveness, Justice, Koinonia and Thankfulness - motivates us to develop as a positive community together, promoting a love of learning and a strong sense of family.  


We are blessed to enjoy a rich, stimulating learning environment, including large outside spaces and a wonderful woodland to encourage outdoor learning and interaction. We are well-resourced; close to the excellent opportunities offered by Central London and children feel proud to belong to our warm, welcoming school.  


We are determined that our children to grow into respectful, confident and happy young adults and aim to empower them to search for enlightenment, developing self-belief, acquiring a breadth of knowledge, a love of learning and  a sense of pride when celebrating their own and other's achievements.


Our dedicated, skilled and talented team work hard to fulfill the vision of our school and give their best for our children with a sense of huge satisfaction when they see children improve, overcome difficulties and meet their potential. 

Jesus said ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’ John 8:12

Jesus declares in John 8:12: ‘I am the light of the world’. This is evidenced in the Old Testament which used light as a symbol of God’s presence, God’s salvation, God’s law and God’s wisdom.

Inspired by this, the school has three dynamics at the heart of its mission:

Living – Light is representative of salvation, of new life and of the energy and power for living

Loving – Light represents good behaviours or ethics

Learning – Light represents revelation, illumination and enlightenment


Through the above, we aim to:


  • Develop the whole learner as a person created in God’s image.
  • Promote our Christian vision and values, realising opportunities to worship God and celebrate the special nature of our church school.
  • Value the input of all children, parents, staff and governors in realising the vision for our school and living our agreed Christian values:

   Koinonia, Compassion, Justice, Thankfulness and Forgiveness

  • Create a secure, safe and stimulating environment which enables and develops confidence, resilience and perseverance and encourages protection for all members of the school community.
  • Motivate every individual to be the best they can be, instilling a sense of dignity, self-worth, determination and aspiration.
  • Foster enquiry through an innovative curriculum which supports enjoyment and achievement and allows learners to make choices and to acquire, apply and transfer key life skills.
  • Enable each learner to acquire knowledge, skills and practical abilities and provide purpose and opportunities to apply these.
  • Instill a clear understanding of rights and responsibilities, developing self-control, cooperation and negotiation.
  • Recognise the richness and diversity of our children, families and local community, preparing children for life in a complex and rapidly-changing world and teaching them tolerance of difference and appreciation of diversity.
  • Develop positive relationships between pupils, staff, parents, our local church and the wider community.
  • Create learning opportunities for staff and governors, including a quality offer for Continuing Professional Development and opportunities to share the work of the school with others.

Download a PDF of Our School Vision, Values & Aims