A day in the Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery & Reception Classes)
Start of day and morning learning
Children engage in a range of focused and spontaneous activities in the inside and outside environment.
On Thursdays and Fridays, parents and carers are invited to 'stay and play' in the EYFS unit with their child until 9:20am.
At different times during the morning, the EYFS children will break into small groups for short periods of time (up to 20 minutes) to focus on phonics, mathematical development or storytelling.
Throughout the morning, children engage in free-flow learning in the different areas of the EYFS unit. During this time, staff might engage children in a focused task, might observe and interact as part of the child's chosen learning activity or might set up or encourage a child to engage in a particular activity in line with the child's interests, strengths and areas for development.
The morning nursery children finish their session. The remaining EYFS children go over to the dining centre with EYFS staff to select and eat their lunch. Staff support the children in making healthy choices and in the development of independent skills such as hand washing, choosing lunch and using a knife and fork.
Afternoon learning
The afternoon nursery children arrive. There are further opportunities for focused tasks, observations and interactions with a range of learning activities. There are further group sessions where children gather, in their class group or in groupings which support their stage of development, for focused teaching sessions.
1:40pm or 2:45pm
Collective Worship
Collective worship takes place at either of these times depending on the day of the week. Children will gather with the whole school (or with their class on a Tuesdays & Wednesdays) to pray, reflect, sing, listen to stories and respond to events.
End of day
Parents arrive to collect their children from the classroom door at the end of the day. Children attending St Paul's Play Project are collected by a member of SPPP.
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