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Our Governors


The governors are a group of volunteers who give their time to lead the strategic direction of the school. They also hold the responsibility of ensuring that the school meets its statutory duties and that the school leadership team are fully accountable for the evaluation, improvement and success of the school.


St Paul's Governing body uses the circle model and school matters are discussed across the year at meetings where all governors are invited to attend, focusing on vision and values, curriculum and standards or finance and resources.

Governors do not attend committee meetings but extra meetings are held annually to discuss admissions to the school and pay and performance decisions.


A group of Governors work closely on the financial management of the school, reporting to the full Governing body



The National Governance Association

More detail can be found in the St Paul's Circle Terms of Reference 2022-23 and in the Instrument of Government.

The members of St Paul's Governing Board in the academic year 2023-24 are detailed in the document below.

Governing Body 2024-2025

Our Governors are a group of enthusiastic volunteers who hold the school accountable for its statutory duties. They support and challenge the leadership team to ensure that the school develops and offers the very best provision possible. Many Governors have particular skills or established links with the school.


To find out more, please read about our Governors and their passion for the school below.